"Dark Arch" Photography Contest Ruling

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In Baena, being 9 p.m. on January 10, 2017, at the headquarters of the Association of Brotherhoods of Baena, the jury of the XXIV edition of the photo contest “Dark Arch” meets, jointly organized by the Association of Brotherhoods Easter Week, the Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Forgiveness (Silence) and sponsored by the Baena City Council, formed by:

  • Dª Dolores Cristina Mata-Casado Yuste, as Delegate of Culture of the Hon. Baena City Hall.
  • D. Francisco Ariza Arcas, as artistic creator.
  • D. Luis amores, as a professional photographer.
  • D. Francisco Alarcón Aragón, as Elder Brother of the brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Forgiveness (Silence).
  • D. José Ortiz Esquinas, as Elder Brother of the Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus Nazareno.
  • D. Guillermo Iván Bernal Trujillo, as president of the Association of Brotherhoods of Holy Week in Baena.


With the only point on the agenda: "Study and deliberation of the winners of the photo contest" Dark Arch ".

Once the 70 photographs that qualify for this year's awards have been presented, they are winners in the different categories:

  • 1st Category “Photography related to Holy Week in General” presented by Mr. Carlos Valentín Bernal Herenas.
  • 2nd Category “Photography related to the Holy Confraternity Cristo del Perdón (Silencio)” presented by D. Eleuterio Alférez Gallego-Valenzuela.
  • 3rd Category “Photography related to the Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus Nazareno and Official Poster of the Association of brotherhoods of Holy Week of Baena 2017”, presented by Mr. Carlos Valentín Bernal Herenas..


And for the record, this act is extended, being 10:45 p.m. on January 10, 2017..

The Secretary of the Association of Brotherhoods
Ángel Manuel Montes Rivas