More than 300 Primary students participate in the “Baena es Semana Santa” cofrade writing contest

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Más de 300 alumnos de Primaria participan en el concurso de redacción cofrade “Baena es Semana Santa”

The Baena City Council and the Association of Brotherhoods have presented at the Liceo Theater the prizes of the “Baena es Semana Santa” cofrade writing contest, a contest aimed at schoolchildren of all Primary courses in which more than 300 students from Safa, Miraculous Safa, Virrey del Pino, Valverde and Perales, Espiritu Santo and Juan Alfonso de Baena.

The winners, appointed by the professors themselves, have been one per school: Claudia López Perálvarez, David Pertíñez Ramírez, Marta de las Morenas Ordóñez, María del Carmen Rosales Santos, Isabel Ortiz Bernabéu and Sergio Pérez Moreno. The six have read their writing and have received a tablet and a distinction for each school. In addition, his writings will be published in the Cabildo magazine.

The second deputy mayor, Lola Cristina Mata, has been very happy with the development of the contest and has highlighted the minors for their face of “Easter week preachers”, something that in their opinion “is done every day defending it and spreading it. "

For his part, the president of the Association of Brotherhoods, Guillermo Iván Bernal, thanked the work of the teachers and expressed his satisfaction for returning to resume this contest, which was already held 40 years ago.