Member of the 8th Gang of Jews of the Black Tail, of the Brotherhood of the Magdalena of the Royal Archconfraternity of Our Lady of the Rosary and the Holy Risen Christ and of the Brotherhood of the Christ of Humility of the Luster Archconfraternity of the Vera Cruz and Our. Father Jesus of Arrest
Mari Cruz González Onieva
Member of the brotherhood of the Vera Cruz of the Illustrious Archiconfraternity of the Vera Cruz and Ntro. Father Jesús del Prendimiento and Vera Cruz of the Brotherhood of the Sweet Name of Jesus, Holy Christ of Calvary and Solitude of the Most Holy Mary
Vanesa Díaz Mesa
Member of the brotherhood of Ntro. Father Jesús del Huerto of the Nuestra Padre Jesús del Huerto and San Diego Brotherhood, Esperanza de San Juan brotherhood of the Illustrious Archiconfraternity of the Vera Cruz and Ntro. Father Jesus of the Arrest and brotherhood of Christ of the Blood of the Brotherhood of the Sweet Name of Jesus, Holy Christ of Calvary and Soledad of the Most Holy Mary
Javier Domingo Luque Ortiz
Member of the 1st group of Black Tail Jews, Cristo de la Humildad brotherhood of the Illustrious Archiconfraternity of the Vera Cruz and Ntro. Father Jesús del Prendimiento and Vera Cruz of the Brotherhood of the Sweet Name of Jesus, Holy Christ of Calvary and Solitude of the Most Holy Mary