
Welcome to this website of the Association of Brotherhoods of Holy Week & nbsp; of Baena, an organization that groups all those Public Associations of faithful erected as Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods with canonical headquarters in the City of Baena.

The Association of Brotherhoods is an institution born to serve and represent the Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods of Buenos Aires. Its purpose is to coordinate, collaborate, help, organize joint activities, and represent common and common interests of the Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods, always respecting the autonomy of each and every brotherhood.

From this website we want to make the visitor aware of all the peculiarities of our Holy Week, declared of National Tourist Interest. We intend that & nbsp; be a meeting point of all the Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods of Baena, in order to expose the wealth of our Holy Week to the visitor.