In Baena, on Friday, December 20, 2024, the jury of the XXXII “DARK ARCO” photography contest, composed of the following members, meets at the headquarters of the Group of Holy Week Brotherhoods of Baena:
-D. Javier Domingo Luque Ortiz, representative of the Group of Holy Week Brotherhoods of Baena.
-D. Pedro Pablo González Luna, Senior Brother of the Brotherhood of the Dulce nombre de Jesús, Santo Cristo del Calvario y Soledad de María Santísima.
-D. Julián Muñoz Bujalance, Senior Brother of the Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Forgiveness (Silence).
-D. Francisco Javier Ocaña Luque, member of the Group of Holy Week Brotherhoods of Baena and expert in photography.
-D. Javier Castilla Cantero, renowned artist and expert in urban art and plastic arts.

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