The Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus of the Prendimiento, pertaining to the Illustrious Archicofradía de la Vera Cruz and Our Father Jesus of the Prendimiento, has published the bases of the II Photographic Contest "Vicente Mejías Esquinas", a contest to which each participant can present five related photographs with the brotherhood that processes the night of Holy Thursday.
According to the rules of the contest, the works "must be original and unpublished and may not have been awarded in any other photo contest." Its size will be 20 x 25 centimeters, both in printed and digital media.
Snapshots can be presented until March 29 at the Imprenta Juventud, Bar Cordobés and the Estanco de María José Trujillo. The brotherhood establishes three prizes: 250 euros and plaque for the first classified and a Holy Week book and an oil case for the second and third classified.